Owners Database

The Moldovan media landscape is characterised by a pattern of individual ownership where prominent business figures and entrepreneurs maintain significant media holdings alongside their other commercial interests. Several key individuals stand out in the market: Dan Pascari controls multiple television channels including One TV and Star TV; the Stețco family oversees Cinema 1 and 7TV; whilst the Lozovan family portfolio encompasses several radio stations including Hit FM, Radio Relax, and Radio Roks. In the radio sector, prominent businessman Ceslav Ciuhrii manages Radio Noroc alongside Noroc TV, whilst maintaining substantial interests in other fields. 

In the digital sphere, notable individual owners include Dmitri Voloșin, whose Simpals Company operates major news portals Stiri.md and Point.md, alongside the country's largest classified advertising platform. Businessman Vasili Chirtoca owns Noi.md, one of Moldova's most-visited news sites, as part of his diverse business portfolio spanning the IT, cosmetics, real estate, and automotive sectors. Recent regulatory changes have led to shifts in ownership patterns, particularly affecting media outlets previously controlled by politically exposed 

individuals, resulting in a more diverse but still concentrated ownership landscape.