Galina Bînzaru

Logo of Galina Bînzaru

Galina Bînzaru is listed as the owner of the publication company Publicația Periodică „Unghiul” SRL. Public records indicate that she serves as an administrator at the “Decor” shopping center in Ungheni, where she holds a stake in the company that owns the center. She is also an administrator for the company “Novaprod.” She studied at the Technical University of Moldova (UTM).

There is no publicly available information regarding Galina Bînzaru’s connections to journalism. According to some sources, she is the goddaughter of Alexandru Ambros, the former mayor of Ungheni from 2011 to 2023. Additionally, it is reported that Galina Bînzaru is divorced and has never been employed by the company that owns the publication “Unghiul” since taking it over.

Media Companies / Groups


Plastics productionÎNTREPRINDEREA MIXTĂ ROMOPLAST S.R.L., co-fondatoare (16,66%)
ConstructionSRL "Novaprod" - administrator
Affiliated Interests Family & Friends
  • Vasile Bânzaru
    Galina Bînzaru's former father-in-law, Vasile Bânzaru, is a businessman described by the press as "one of the most respected businessmen in Ungheni." He has interests in construction, trade, and real estate.
  • Radu Bânzaru
    Galina's ex-husband, Radu Bânzaru, is an entrepreneur in the construction sector.
  • Alexandru Ambros
    According to some sources, Alexandru Ambros is Galina Bînzaru's godfather by marriage. He served as the mayor of Ungheni municipality for nearly four terms (2011-2023). Initially, he ran on the Liberal Democratic Party's ticket, but in September 2016, he left the Liberal Democrats to join the Democratic Party of Moldova. After the Democrats lost power in 2019, Ambros ran as an independent candidate for a new term and won the election. In September 2023, just two months before the general local elections, he resigned from office and announced he would not seek another term, opting instead to work on a solid waste management project in Moldova, where he was elected project manager. In November 2018, the National Integrity Authority (ANI) found that Alexandru Ambros had a conflict of interest when he signed three payment orders to his wife's firm for the purchase of goods and services. The mayor contested ANI's findings in court, winning both at the first instance and on appeal. Subsequently, ANI appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice, which upheld ANI's findings. The Authority then urged the Territorial Office of the State Chancellery to remove Ambros from his position as mayor, but the courts deemed the State Chancellery's requests inadmissible.
Data Publicly Available
ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.
Meta Data

No public information is available on the website of the publication "Unghiul" nor on other platforms regarding the change of ownership of the periodical "Unghiul" SRL, nor about the amount of the transaction. Additionally, there is no public information about the owner, Galina Bînzaru, making it difficult to gather relevant data.

The MOM team sent an information request to PP "Unghiul". In their response, they stated that "Mrs. Galina Bînzaru is NOT a relative of former mayor Alexandru Ambros or current mayor Vitalie Vrabie." We followed up with a question seeking a direct answer regarding whether Galina Bînzaru is the goddaughter-in-law of former mayor Alexandru Ambros, but we have yet to receive a response.

Moreover, despite our request, we have not obtained Galina Bînzaru's CV.

Documents (PDF)