Dorin Galben

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Dorin Galben was born on July 28, 1991, in the village of Japca, Floresti district. He studied at the State University of Moldova in the Faculty of History and Philosophy, specializing in Anthropology. He also attended the Akademia Humanistyczna im. A. Gieysztora in Poland and the Moldovan School of Journalism. He is the producer of the shows "Un show de doi galbeni," "Fără protocol," and "Monolog." Previously, he worked as a journalist for the publications and television channels Timpul, Agro TV, 10TV,, TV8, and Canalul Regional.


Film, video and television productionS.R.L. DOI GALBENI STUDIO (100%) S.R.L. DOI GALBENI PLUS (100%)
Affiliated Interests Family & Friends
  • Violeta Scrișu
    Galben is engaged to Violeta Scrișu.
  • Mariana Galben
    He is the brother of Mariana Galben, who is also the producer of his online programs.
Data Publicly Available
ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.
Meta Data

There is no public information available regarding the type of business he used to formalize his online activity, and we have not received a response to our request for clarification.

Documents (PDF)