ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.
Headlines | - Mold-Street: UNIMEDIA news portal allegedly sold (accessed on June 21, 2024)
- The UNIMEDIA news portal has reportedly been sold (accessed on June 21, 2024)
- Declaration of the company "Miraza" LLC, owner of the UNIMEDIA trademark (accessed on June 21, 2024)
- The conflict between Interact media and NewsMedia Grup grows (accessed on June 21, 2024)
- Portalul de ştiri Unimedia a fost vîndut (accesat la 4 august 2024)
- Apel catre institutiile statului privind cazul Î.M.„Newsmedia Group” catre „Interact Media” S.R.L. (accesat la 4 august 2024)
- Owners of news sites and the interests they promote (accessed on 4 August 2024)
- /VIDEO/ Black Box PLUS: "Lieutenants of propaganda". The toxic messages sent by Russian spokespeople in Moldova (accessed on August 4, 2024)
- Sergiu Banari abandons politics and launches a polygraph testing project (accessed on August 4, 2024)
- I hope that all voters will participate massively in the elections (accessed on August 4, 2024)
- The deal of the century! Moldovan jewelry factory whose ornaments reach 3,600 euros (accessed on August 4, 2024)
- Dozens of people lined up to get their hands on one of the dozens of jewels thrown in front of a specialized store (accessed on August 4, 2024)
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