Olga Cenușă

Logo of Olga Cenușă

Olga Cenușă has a degree in economics. From 2011 to 2018 she worked at the Legal Assistance Center for Persons with Disabilities. From 2018 to 2023 she was a consultant for Internews Network in Moldova. Between 2016 and 2019 she was the financial director of the Public Association Oameni și Kilometri. From February 2017 to present she has been working with NewsMaker.md, initially as a financial consultant, then as CFO, then as Executive Director. In May 2022, she became co-owner of News Maker LLC.

Since 2016 she has been the administrator of the Association for the Promotion and Respect of Women with Disabilities PRO FEMEI.

Media Companies / Groups


Civil Society OrganizationAssociation for the Promotion and Respect of Women with Disabilities PRO FEMEI (administrator)
Data Publicly Available
ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.
Meta Data

Detailed information about News Maker LLC is available in public registers, such as the government data portal. It is also presented on the Newsmaker.md website, in the "About Us" section. Additionally, when the company's shareholders changed, the Newsmaker.md portal published a news article about it.

Olga Cenușă's CV was obtained from the editor-in-chief of Newsmaker.md.

Documents (PDF)