Venit | MDL 137,68 mil / USD 7,76 mil (2023) |
Profit operațional | MDL 34,04 mil / USD 1,91 mil (2023) |
Publicitate (în % din finanțarea totală) | Date lipsă |
Date publice disponibile | datele despre proprietate sunt ușor accesibile din alte surse, de ex. registre publice etc. | |
Metadate | Reprezentanții Simpals SRL au răspunsul, punctual, tuturor întrebărilor adresate de MOM printr-o solicitare de informații. However, they informed us that they cannot provide information about the revenue and profit recorded by the two news sites managed by Simpals SRL. "Given that and are part of an integrated digital ecosystem, the revenues and costs of these projects are closely linked and interdependent. For this reason, it is not possible to present separate statistics for each of them regarding advertising revenue and profit per project," the company's response states. | |
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