Logo of PP SP

Publicația Periodică SP SRL is the company that owns the eSP.md website and the periodical publication "SP" from Bălți. Founded in 2012 by journalist Veaceslav Perunov, he directly holds 40% ownership of this company, while the remaining 60% is owned through Redacţia Publicației Periodice a Ziarului CERERE ŞI OFERTĂ SRL, of which he is the sole owner.

The editorial office of the Periodical Publication of the Newspaper CERERE ŞI OFERTĂ SRL was established in 1995 as the company initially responsible for managing the periodical publication "SP." The founders of the company were Veaceslav Perunov, Lev Shvartman, and Veaceslav Voina.

Key Facts

Business FormCommercial / For-profit
Legal FormLimited Liability Company (LLC)


Individual Owner

Media Outlets

Other Media Outlets


Founding Year2012
FounderVeaceslav Perunov
ContactStrîi str., 1a
Balti municipality
Republic of Moldova
Moldova, Republic of
0231 6-77-30
Tax / ID Number1012602002743
RevenueMDL 939,410 / USD 51,729 (2023)
Operating ProfitMDL 11,690 / USD 643
Advertising (in % of total funding)MDL 939,000 / USD 51,707. 99,95% of total revenue in 2023
Executive BoardVeaceslav Perunov


Olga Popa

Deputy director and project coordinator

Maria Loris

Maria Loris is the editor-in-chief of the Romanian version of eSP.md/ro. Her professional experience extends beyond journalism to include roles as an event organiser and presenter, vocalist, specialist in interethnic relations, and human rights advocate. She also served as the head of the Culture Department of Bălți Municipality for one year.

Natalia Petrusevich

Natalia Petrusevich has been a journalist for the publication "SP" and its website eSP.md since 2002. She has received multiple awards for her journalistic work. Since 2007, she has led the Journalism Department at "SP," and as of December 2022, she serves as the editor-in-chief.