Noroc Media

Logo of Noroc Media

Noroc Media LLC, founded in 1997, has operated Radio Noroc since the station's launch in 2005. Initially, Noroc Media LLC was co-owned by Artur Bînzaru and Nichifor Bînzaru, each holding a 50% share. Over the years, both the company and the radio station changed ownership multiple times. In 2016, Marius Belibov acquired a 45% share, and later that year, Igor Matveiciuc, then a 29-year-old advisor to the director of the State Railway Enterprise of Moldova (Întreprinderea de Stat Calea Ferată din Moldova), Iurie Topală, became the sole owner. Topală, a businessman and member of the ruling Liberal Party at the time, appointed Alexandru Ciubotaru, a well-known artist, as the administrator of Noroc Media LLC.

Although both Matveiciuc and Ciubotaru denied Topală's involvement in the acquisition, in January 2020, Topală’s daughter, Doinița, became the administrator and sole owner. In June 2022, ownership changed once again, with Ceslav Ciuhrii taking over the company. Ciuhrii became widely known after one of his companies purchased the former Guguță café building in central Chișinău, a property that had been embroiled in a years-long dispute, from a company owned by politician Vladimir Plahotniuc in 2017. Ciuhrii is also recognized as the former owner of the Cactus and Mi Piace restaurants and is currently developing a large real estate complex in Chișinău known as German Village.

In addition to Radio Noroc, Noroc Media LLC also owns Noroc TV, a television station focused on popular and ethno music in Romanian. Noroc Media LLC and its former associates, Artur and Nichifor Bînzaru, were the initiators of the well-known annual musical event "Potcoava de Aur".

Key Facts

Business FormCommercial / For-profit
Legal FormLimited Liability Company (LLC)


Individual Owner

Media Outlets


Founding Year1997
Contactstr. Costiujeni 1G
Md-2011 mun.Chișinău
Moldova, Republic of
022 540 311
Tax / ID Number1002600018084
RevenueMDL 3.6 million / USD 202.9 thousand
Operating ProfitMDL -772,3 thousand / USD- 43,534 thousand
Advertising (in % of total funding)Missing data